Me, Myself and My Mind

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tax Tax TAX !!

I went to the LHDN website to download the e-filling stuff, realized that I have to have a pin to login, I emailed them to request for the pin.
In their website, it's clearly stated that you can request the pin through email.

After 2 days, I received an email but without my pin ! I gave them another few more working days to let them process, I thought to myself, "government mar".
Still I didn't get it, so I called up LHDN.

After the whole phone conversation, they tell me that it will past the deadline to submit if they were to email me the pin. I was like HUH!!?? The guy told me to go the the branch to get the pin and do the e-filling there. STUPID !!! Then, what is the whole damn point of asking people to do e-filling if you still need to go to the LHDN office anyway ??

And they extend the deadline for the e-filling. What more can I say ? (actually a lot more, but don't want to sound like an asshole lar).


  • It's government la man. Have to be paranoid with what they do. They still owe me tax refund for last year's submission. You need to call them ASAP & kiasu la.

    Anyway, you scared to be asshole meh?

    By Blogger Jay, at 8:18 AM  

  • i got my refund last year...i think somewhere around October.

    By Blogger KF., at 1:54 PM  

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