Me, Myself and My Mind

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Goodyear 2005 !

i must blog must have a lot of followers!
if not, i won't get cursed so many times when i have gathering with my friends saying that i didn't update my blog.

2005 will definately be one of the most memorable year in my life (so far). Here's 10 great reasons why 2005 is so memorable:
  1. PS2 as my birthday present.
  2. First trip to Europe for FREE !! (partly lar).
  3. Short stay in Avillion, PD.
  4. Getting myself a long-wanted digital camera, my Powershot.
  5. Vacation in Koh Samui & Bangkok.
  6. Getting a last minute ticket to watch Snow. Wolf. Lake. A very big thanks to COSY !
  7. Achieved one of my resolution for the year-reading 1 book/2 months.
  8. Qualified for the High Achiever's Award in sales.
  9. Getting PROMOTION !!
  10. BOUGHT A HOUSE !!!

Goodbye 2005...!